IT industry to address cloud legal issues

London is to host the first law international summit on cloud computing early next year.

The event will attempt to tackle the legal issues around the current shift to cloud-based IT outsourcing and support services.

Hosted by international consulting firm BroadGroup, the summit will take place on February 8th and 9th at the America Square Conference Centre and will feature presentations from industry leaders.

Dominic Lowndes, managing director of technology, media and telecoms at the company, commented that the summit is taking place at a crucial time for the industry.

He added: “It provides a tremendous opportunity for leading IT lawyers to tackle the legal obstacles of cloud-based services in more detail and will help clarify concerns for enterprises and users as well as governments and legislators.”

Earlier this week, IT industry analyst Gartner predicted that firms are likely to invest more money in private cloud computing services than public offerings in the next few years.

Source: ihotdesk

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