IT outsourcing could enable firms to analyse more market data

Companies should roll out Pattern-Based Strategy as a way of allowing their existing technologies to evolve, highlighting the benefits of IT outsourcing in London.

A report by Gartner claims that following patterns that are formed from weak signals means companies risk missing out on the exceptions that prefigure market changes, highlighting the advantages of using an IT consultancy to analyse this information.

Val Sribar, group vice president of research at Gartner, claims that many companies are so focused on the traditional processes that they are not open to this new information.

He calls for businesses to do more to “break down traditional silos of information” in order to better assess key situations.

Mr Sribar states: “This will enable business and IT leaders to identify, characterize and assess patterns that both support and contradict existing strategy and operations assumptions.”

Earlier this month, Sentrum chief executive Andy Ruhan claimed that IT managers need an education in data centres, which could allow them to better organise IT outsourcing in London.

Source: ihotdesk

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