IT outsourcing tipped for popularity boost

IT outsourcing is likely to become a more popular trend among companies as confidence grows about economic recovery.

Patrick O’Brien, senior analyst at IT industry analyst Ovum, pointed out that experts believed firms would use more outsourcing during the recession to captialise on the cost savings it can deliver, but many failed to do so.

However, the expert added: “Now businesses may well have at least settled and may have a bit more of a longer-term outlook or visibility for the year ahead.”

Mr O’Brien explained that firms will be more willing to base their strategic decision making around IT outsourcing as they are more confident about their future.

Last month, the analyst predicted a rise in the popularity of IT outsourcing over the coming months, as companies are hoping to benefit from the reduced costs it can deliver.

He also claimed that the approach can permit firms to benefit from more flexibility, allowing them to dedicate resources to finding new business or retaining customers.

Source: ihotdesk

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