IT service desks face holiday problems

IT service desks experience more problems during the holiday season, it has been suggested, which could show the need for IT outsourcing.

According to a survey from Hornbill Systems, around one-third of IT professionals say workers routinely take corporate communications equipment on holiday to maintain their link to the office.

When quizzed on the problems this creates, 47 per cent cited IT security and keeping their organisation’s information safe as being their main concern.

Another 24 per cent claimed time spent dealing with employees’ holiday issues could be better spent on more important tasks, while 22 per cent have problems replacing lost equipment quickly.

Gerry Sweeney, chief executive of Hornbill Systems, commented: “The minority of employees who are desperate to stay in touch with the workplace more than compensate for their more chilled out colleagues by adding to the burdens of the service desk.”

Earlier this month, Martino Corbelli, marketing director at business connectivity provider Star, pointed out that IT security is an important concern for companies which allow employees to work remotely.

Source: ihotdesk

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