IT services benefit from monitoring, analyst claims

The coming years will see companies make increasing use of IT services, it has been claimed.

Industry analyst Gartner recommended that businesses monitor the performance which is delivered by IT service providers, in order to ensure they are making the most effective use of the solution.

Claudio Da Rold, vice president and distinguished analyst at the group, commented: “2009 and 2010 will be a critical period for the outsourcing and IT services market.

“Organisations are concentrating on IT cost reduction and aiming to improve their business performance and flexibility.”

He also said that IT service providers are likely to become more flexible in their offerings in order to respond to unavoidable market fluctuations.

In addition, the industry is likely to invest in innovations such as alternative delivery models to keep up with demand from their clients.

Gartner also recommended that users of IT services take a six-monthly review of the solution to spot any improvements they can make to their provision.

Recent research from industry analyst IDC claimed that the current economic climate is causing IT outsourcing to increase in popularity.

Source: ihotdesk

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