Itransition joins United Nations Global Compact

Being proud to be a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and understating its vitality, Itransition committed to encourage other organizations to support corporate social responsibility, citizenship and governance advocated by the U.N. Global Compact.

“Itransition is happy to adopt the Global Compact’s ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption”, says Sergei Gvardeitsev, CEO of Itransition.

“Every company that strives for success in the international business arena should understand that it is impossible to win reputation without using honest and transparent business practices which are reflected in the Global Compact’s principles. Commitment to these principles helps businesses gain and reinforce crystal-clear reputation which pays off in the first place”.

As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, Itransition commits to:

  • Embed the UNGC’s ten principles at the heart of company strategy, corporate culture and daily business operations.
  • Promote the UNGC and its ten universal principles through available communications channels, e.g. press-releases, screencasts and podcasts etc. 
  • Cooperate with stakeholders in matters connected with implementation and maintenance of UNGC principles, share the results of its corporate responsibility program and publish the annual progress report on the UNGC official website.

Itransition stated its determination to diligently strengthen their own business performance with accordance to the Global Compact and share its best practices with other companies adopting the UNGC.

Source: Itransition

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