High requirements for these systems can be met only when all the quality-related issues are solved, and when the necessary level of performance, reliability and security is maintained. The package consists of a number of solutions, methodologies and best practices that help to solve the most typical problems in billing, m-Commerce, CRM, customer service, infrastructure monitoring etc.
Services provided by Itransition for telecommunication companies include consulting, analysis, quality control and acceptance testing. Consulting covers wide range of quality control aspects including organization of testing processes, tools’ selection and QA analysis. Consulting and analytical tasks (e.g. GAP analysis, test methodology development, set up of testing processes) are performed by experienced QA analytics and managers with deep expertise in operation support systems (OSS) in telecommunications and understanding of customer’s business goals.
Our clients take great interest in applications’ quality control, in particular, in regression, modular, automated and load testing. Acceptance testing which is the most popular service among mobile operators includes acceptance test development, data and reports analysis as well as acceptance tests updating.
Together with professional approach and deep expertise we provide multiple options of cooperation models. Either for full lifecycle testing or for separate iterations of the testing process Itransiiton team can work offsite or onsite, depending on goals and abilities to establish a remote connection between the offices.