Itransition sprints into 2010 by entering into the biggest industry events

Itransition is proud to declare its active stance on the point of business event participation as it gives a new impetus to the technology area development.

Business Solutions: Banks and Finance Conference held in Moscow in January proved to be a smart opportunity of getting familiar with advanced banking technologies as well as a good chance to share the outstanding expertise. Both these aspects are worth the attention of IT business, so Itransition  is to present the full-cycle SharePoint implementation services for financial enterprises.  Moreover the participation in this conference is attributed  to the promotion of fruitful relations between the banking sector and  the IT one.

The Russia Forum 2010 will give various opportunities to to get in touch with all spheres of Russian and international business. Therefore Itransition is going to introduce a wide range of expertise in the following areas: Content Management System Development, SAP Custom Development and Consulting, Embedded Software Development , etc.

Durin the Prepaid Expo USA 2010 held in Las Vegas on February 22-24 Itransition is supposed to demonstrate the high level of competency and expertise in building custom solutions for financial sphere (the banking one in particular). Along with online payment, document processing and information management solutions,  an interactive web portal is to be presented as a safe and secure online banking experience.

At the ECommerce Summit 2010 held in Las Vegas, USA on April 13 – 15, 2010 Itransition is going to introduce the E-commerce solution designed on the platform Core Frameworks, which has made quite a hit with businesses of all sizes since its release in 2007.

TEM 2010 (Telecom Environment Management) held in Orlando, Florida is regarded as one of the most significant events for the telecommunications industry.  Itransition’s custom software development expertise which is to be presented at the conference include inventory management systems, CRM systems, payment applications, web portals and online billing solutions, etc.

All the above mentioned events proved essential for any IT company to get an opportunity of sharing its expertise and practice, so successful implementation of the action plan for 2010 will undoubtedly  bring a lot of benefits as for Itransition so as for clients and partners.

Source: Itransition

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