November 10, 2009, the IV International Conference on the solutions for telecommunications operators “Next Generation Networks” was held at the Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine. The Conference was organized by Networks & Business magazine and supported by Monis, the member of Iskratel group. The Conference was attended by Alexey Perekatov, Miratech Vice President, Corporate Marketing.
The main focus of the thematic discussions was on the principles of building of contemporary communication systems, NGN solutions provided by world’s leading manufacturers, and the practical and economic aspects of NGN implementation. Victor Katok, Vice President, Study Group ITU-T 15, pointed out to the problems of standardization of optical fiber access networks – his report evoked great interest in the audience. Among some of the most notable presentations made by the foreign attendees was “Products SI3000 to build NGN” by Jasmin Kukavica, Solutions Manager, Iskratel.
Commenting on the results of the Conference, Alexey Perekatov noted that “the telecommunications market, despite the fact that crisis is still not fully overcome, continues, in contradistinction to some other industries, to actively develop. Nevertheless, the economic situation has left its imprint on the content of the discussions. Unlike previous years, when the focus of the forum was mainly on technical innovations, this year’s discussions were – to a greater extent than before – on the economic benefits for operators and end users.”