IBA received a reference from JSC National Company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (Kazakh Railway) on successful development and implementation of the automated management system Contract and Commercial Operations (CCO).
From 2009 to 2011, IBA in cooperation with Kazakh Railway carried out the development of the CCO automated management system.
In his letter of thanks, Mr. Asan Dosayev, Operating Director for Information Technologies of Kazakh Railway, says: “We see this project as a part of our strategy to build a conceptually new information structure of the railway. The CCO system creates opportunities for transition to completely paperless operations in cargo transportation and functions in 24/7 mode.”
The newly developed system is designed to:
At present, IBA carries out step–by–step launch of the system, and its warranty support.
The system is implemented using IBM DB2 and IBM WebSphere products, including Application Server, Message Broker, MQSeries, Portal, and Process Server.
The implementation of the project allowed for:
The success factors of project implementation are:
He adds: “I would like to underscore high professionalism of IBA employees, their responsiveness to the problems that were arising during the project implementation, and ability to communicate with employees of Kazakh railway in a constructive way. We believe that IBA demonstrated deep understanding of the industry–specific standards of the Kazakh railway, and precise observance of contractual obligations. Our experience of cooperation with IBA allows us to draw a conclusion that we were not mistaken in our choice of IBA as a partner. We hope for further cooperation with IBA in development of information infrastructure.”