Krakow ranks 2nd on Emerging Global Outsourcing Cities list

In the latest Tholons ranking indicating the top 50 emerging global outsourcing cities the Polish city of Krakow classified 2nd and Poland, as a country, ranked 10th. The most numerous group of the best outsourcing destinations is located in the Central and Eastern Europe (26%).

This year Krakow was came first from among cities situated in the CEE region. The city improved its position from last year’s ranking (in 2008 it ranked 5th, in 2007 16th) and outperformed Prague and Budapest (on the 12th and 22nd position respectively).

In the ranking of BPO friendly-countries Poland classified on the 10th position. Authors of the report emphasised that Poland is a perfect place for service companies which plan to target clients in the West of Europe and in Scandinavia. Due to well-developed net of good office space, the wide spectrum of service types provided in a number of languages, Poland became the strongest BPO centre in the Central and Eastern Europe. Moreover, the report highlights the world-class quality of the Polish educational system.

This year Tholons published its 4th edition of the ranking.

Source: Polish Market

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