Large firms outsourcing data storage, report claims

The majority of large companies now outsource some of their data centre facilities, according to a new report.

A study commissioned by Sentrum found that 85 per cent of large businesses outsource at least some of the data centre requirements, an increase of 42 per cent on the number reported in 2008.

In addition, the research found that almost half of the 15 per cent of companies which do not currently use the solution intend to do so in the future.

Andy Ruhan, chief executive of Sentrum, said: “I also believe the change is due to the data centre industry maturing by delivering new and consistent levels of excellence to customers seeking both reliable and cost effective data centre facilities.”

He also pointed out that outsourcing data centre requirements allows firms to avoid making a large capital investment, which interest those considering IT outsourcing for large businesses.

Last month, Daragh O’Brien, director of publicity and recruitment at the International Association for Information and Data Quality, claimed that business should implement effective data management procedures, in order to prevent resources being wasted through rechecking information before it is used.

Source: ihotdesk

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