Latvian outsourcing service provider DEAC eyes Estonian market

“Digitalas ekonomikas attistibas centrs” Ltd. (DEAC) is a Latvian company which offers outsourced IT services and solutions that are especially adapted to client needs.  As the construction of the largest and most capacious data centre in the Baltic States draws to a close, DEAC is preparing to become a serious player in Estonia’s IT Market, offering businesses a chance to optimize their IT expenditures.

In developing its outsourced IT operations, the Latvian IT company DEAC is preparing to open a new data centre, “Riga.”  The centre will have more than 600 m2 of floor space and will be the largest and most capacious data centre in the Baltic States. 

“We have ambitious plans in the Estonian market in the context of the new data centre in Riga.  We hope to develop our work in that market over the next three years, and in five years’ time to be the leading player in the IT outsourcing market there,” says the DEAC board chairman, Andris Gailitis.

Client services until now have been offered through the only subterranean data centre in the Baltic States.  A rapid Internet connection links that centre to clients in Estonia. 

“The global economic crisis has affected every company’s operations, but the maintenance of IT divisions by individual companies is becoming more and more expensive.  When such services are outsourced, a company can optimize IT expenditures, increase competition and perhaps even save itself from insolvency,” says Gailitis in explaining the advantages of outsourced services.

In 2008, DEAC had turnover of EUR 1.56 million and profits of EUR 213,000.  All of the money was reinvested in the development of the new data centre “Riga”.

Source: BBN

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