Maastricht University India Institute – Distinguished Guest Speaker Session to be held on 16 April at 11 am. Participation is free of charge (with light lunch) but seats are limited so confirmation will be on first come first serve basis.
Guest Speaker
Mr. Hemakiran Gupta, Europe Head for TCS Financial Services – Capital Markets and Country Manager, TATA Consultancy Services Belgium N.V./S.A.
Mr. Gupta has been working in IT services for the last 19 years. He graduated from Mangalore University with a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science. Mr. Gupta joined TCS in 1993. Prior to joining TCS, he worked for APTS (Andhra Pradesh Technology Services Ltd); a company which computerized state services. During the last 16 years at TCS, Mr. Gupta worked on India focused programs, European financial services and was responsible for engagements across IT, BPO and Consulting (Telecom, Insurance, Banking, Pharma and Manufacturing). He worked also as Regional Manager in Switzerland. Mr. Gupta spent nearly 10 years in Europe (Switzerland, UK and Benelux regions).
Speaks on
The firm’s strategy for international growth: Its achievements in IT Services.
Presentation covers themes like India, outsourcing, international growth strategy, innovation in IT services, IT trends.
Session intended for
Executives from MNCs and SMEs, Social Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Policy Makers, Opinion Leaders, Business and Management Professionals, Academics and Researchers.