Mandatory training can be performed by correspondence

The Kvintech company, supplier of e-learning and software solutions, has begun to offer the unique possibility of performing mandatory training such as driver training, waste handling or first aid courses via e-learning. In the past, it was necessary to perform mandatory training required by certain employers in person – an organizationally and financially demanding and time-consuming task. With the possibility of performing mandatory training using modern training and testing methods – e-learning – these concerns are now a thing of the past.

The Kvintech company, a groundbreaker in this area, offers a broad range of courses: driver training, handling chemical substances, workplace health and safety, fire safety, a first aid course, introduction to practical marketing, business etiquette, efficient PC work, test of professional first aid, handling waste, and personnel management, to name just a few. “Increasing employee skills through e-learning offers companies a whole series of benefits. In additional to provable time and financial savings, our KvinElearning system can be organized and administered with minimum requirements on the responsible employee’s experience and workload,” says Pavel Ponizil, CEO of Kvintech. The system also provides unlimited freedom for defining topics and offers a broad range of educational forms, including multimedia lessons or a combination of text with graphical elements and diagrams.

Kvintech’s e-learning courses also include the possibility of teacher-student interaction. The option of communicating online or offline with a live instructor removes the absence of interaction with a live person during the training process. This form of communication may take the form of personal or in-company correspondence or a public conversation. The teacher can moderate instruction and is available to students for individual consultation and feedback. “KvinElearning also enables independent testing leading to the issue of certificates or attestation, thus increasing the company’s ability to be in line with all laws, ordinances and EU standards – which without e-learning can be a highly demanding and costly process,” adds Ponizil.


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