Mauritius International Outsourcing Forum will provide an opportunity for companies to evaluate Mauritius as an off shoring/outsourcing destination. The IT/BPO global sourcing market size in Mauritius is currently estimated between USD 89bn and 93bn with IT and BPO market shares averaging 40 and 60 percent respectively. The contribution of the IT/BPO sector to the Mauritian economy is expected to grow to some 8% in 2011 with the direct employment in the sector amounting to 25,000.
Delegates from the global market will meet the Mauritius Investment Board to evaluate the prospects of setting up new captives, development centres and disaster management centres. The forum will also provide an opportunity for delegates to meet with the local ITES/BPO providers and discuss about the possibility of outsourcing business to them.
An in-depth conference program will consist of independent speakers evaluating the outsourcing industry and new locations, plus presentations by the Government of Mauritius outlining the various infrastructural and financial benefits the country can offer. There will also be live case studies presented by companies already outsourcing to Mauritius outlining the benefits derived, with further hands-on experience through a site visit to the local IT Park.