ARMADA OAO (MICEX-RTS: ARMD) announces its victory in the open tender for the right to develop and implement a medical information system for Samara Medical Clinical Center of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia. Thus the Center will be equipped with the medical information system MEDIALOG, developed by Post Modern Technology (PMT), a member of ARMADA Group. The project is being implemented within the frame of modernization of federal state budget institutions providing medical services.
The new solution allows to manage patient flows using the web-portal of Electronic Medical Records with regard to security requirements [1], to maintain electronic outpatient cards, facilitates the medical and diagnostic processes, management of material resources and medicaments. Besides the use of MEDIALOG allows to prepare various statistical and analytical reports, including the making of branch regulatory reports for supervisory bodies. The system will be integrated with medical equipment for laboratory examinations, functional diagnosis and other types of examinations.
Introduction of a complex medical information system at the Center will help to better the quality of medical services due to improvement of information and technical equipment and increasing efficiency of making management decisions.
Samara Medical Clinical Center of FMBA of Russia is one of the largest diversified medical and preventive treatment institutions in the Samara Region. The Center renders all major types of medical services, the manner of provision of which is determined by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Website: www.fmbatlt.ru
Post Modern Technology (PMT) is a leader on the Russian market for medical information systems and developer of MEDIALOG software. It focuses on developing, implementing and providing technical support for integrated management software solutions for medical institutions regardless of their specialization, size, and type of ownership. The company was established in 1999 and joined the ARMADA Group in May 2011. Website: www.postmodern.ru