Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has officially confirmed that MERA’s R&D unit is compliant with CMMI® for Development v1.3 Maturity Level 3. The company was officially assigned CMMI® Maturity Level 3 (version 1.2) for the 1st time back in 2009.
CMMI® is one of the most widely recognized models of organizational quality systems for companies involved in software development. The model contains recommendations for all key areas of R&D, Quality Assurance and Management processes. “As an Eastern Europe’s leader in Telecom R&D services market MERA pays substantial attention to continuous improvement of R&D processes to gradually raise operational efficiency and ensure outstanding level of services. It helps the company to keep compliant with the most reputable quality models and standards recognized by the Telecom Software R&D industry, i.e. ISO 9001, TL 9000 and CMMI”, – says Igor Piruyan, VP of MERA.
“With great pleasure Kondakov Consulting is witnessing that MERA`s software R&D processes are compliant with CMMI® Maturity Level 3 requirements and recommendations being not only performance management methods, but also part of the real corporate culture, which helps the company demonstrate predictable results at any project stage. Meanwhile, MERA’s choice of a Russian consulting services provider and Lead Appraiser demonstrates focus on the best services in terms of price vs. quality ratio and services vital to the company`s business”, says Alexander Kondakov, the only authorized appraiser in Russia and founder of Kondakov Consulting.