Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Planning to Modernize Its Technological Infrastructure

The communication and system infrastructure of MLSA will be modernized by Czech IT company ANECT.

ANECT successfully passed the selection process organized by MLSA, Czech Republic, for modernization of the communication and system infrastructure of the Ministry, and emerged as the winner. Among other things, the modernization will boost MLSA data centers efficiency, upgrade the system to MS Windows 7 and Windows 2008 Server, and it will also include implementation of a risk management system developed by ANECT. The solutions and services (worth a total of 266 million CZK) will be provided to MLSA by ANECT in the next four years.

“This major ICT modernization of MLSA will enhance the communication capacity within the infrastructure, and also improve the overall security. The new solutions and services will meet MLSA requirements and expectations but they will also keep up with the latest trends in ICT,” said Jaroslav Hlousek, ANECT Managing Director.

ANECT will provide the Ministry with twenty-two particular services to improve its communication and system infrastructure, and also with eight specializations. The process of centralization of MLSA information system will include activities such as renewing WAN infrastructure features, boosting data centers efficiency and improving the communication among them, and implementing a new risk management system developed by ANECT.

The MS Windows XP upgrade to MS Windows 7 (as well Windows 2003 Server upgrade to Windows 2008 Server) will be also part of the modernization process, since users of MLSA agendas need new cryptography parameters for new legislature.

And as new trends (and threats) appear every day, the security system of MLSA will be also fortified. The monitoring services, including End-to-End monitoring will be extended, and Symantec NAC will be implemented in order to check user?s authenticity before any connection to MLSA WAN network is made.

“To increase the security we will also implement intrusion-prevention systems, which will monitor the security of MLSA network and protect it from hackers,” said Jaroslav Hlousek, ANECT Managing Director.

The order of MLSA communication and system infrastructure modernization is worth 266 million CZK and will be implemented by ANECT in the next four years as a result of close cooperation between the ANECT Project Team and ANECT Department of Software Application Development.

Source: ANECT

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