Traditionally, UOF gathered the leading players of Ukrainian outsourcing, representatives of IT and outsourcing Associations and companies, interested in establishing cooperation with Eastern European service providers, who this year were not limited to Europe and USA, but came from Asia and Africa as well. As previously, the conference was divided into six sections, where the speakers dwelt on current situation at ITO and BTO markets, regional software development in Ukraine, the problems, tasks and prospects.
One of the most interesting topics, discussed during the Forum, was IT professionals market in Ukraine. Apart from general aspects – high-qualified specialists market capacity and overall trends, – conference speakers paid much attention to the questions of personnel policy improvement in IT companies and cultivation of corporate culture. As an alternative to the development and training of the professionals inside organizations, the possibility to prepare the specialists of the required level by private agencies was elucidated. Also, special cooperation model between state educational institutions and IT industry players was discussed, which would allow to raise the level of technical universities’ graduates and to meet the capacity demand of Ukrainian software developing companies.
HR issues were touched upon by Mirasoft Group President, Dr. Victor Loskoutov, as well, who took the floor and analyzed IT labor market situation in the context of time. He underlined the importance of building up HR marketing strategy, as well as implementing the process approach, in order to improve a company’s HR efficiency. Also, Dr. Loskoutov shared an experience of specialized HR processes and practices implementation at Mirasoft Group.
As before, UOF remains one of the significant events at the Ukrainian outsourcing market. Apart from traditional B2B benefits, it brings considerable informative advantage – one can find out the latest industry changes, trends, expectations at first hand, directly from the players. And in our modern society information technologies, one, who possesses the information, governs the situation.