An improved bill “About introducing changes to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding an economic experiment that will create auspicious conditions for the development of the software industry in Ukraine” has been submitted to the Supreme Council of Ukraine. This bill is a direct result of efforts made by the government organizations and Ukrainian IT companies. It is aimed at supporting the development of the IT industry in Ukraine. In formulating the main clauses of the bill, the interests of the Ukrainian software development companies were represented by the IT Ukraine Association, headed by Nikolay Royenko, Miratech President.
The economic experiment is to start in the beginning of 2012 and will last for 5 years. The experiment stipulates special rates of the obligatory payments: income tax, social insurance payments, fee to be paid by the employees of the experiment participants, and a tax on income that is obtained by individuals as a salary payment from experiment participants. These rates will significantly decrease companies’ payments to the government budget enabling to raise the competitiveness of Ukrainian software at the international markets.
Miratech management actively facilitates the promotion of this legislative initiative. Nikolay Royenko is one of the most enthusiastic contributors to this process. He is the President of the IT Ukraine Association and an advisor to Volodymyr Semynozhenko who is the Head of the State Agency of Ukraine for Science, Innovation and Informatization.