Miratech, a leading Ukrainian IT outsourcing provider, attended the forum “Money & Technologies: Solutions for Business” held in Kiev on December 1, 2010. The event, hosted by the publishing house SoftPress and supported by the National Bank of Ukraine, was dated to the SoftPress’ 15th Anniversary.
The Forum brought together CIOs from leading Ukrainian banks, software developers and system integrators, solution providers and equipment makers, government representatives. It discussed implementations of ISMS based on the NBU standards, advanced VDI, networking and communications technologies, IT outsourcing delivery execution.
Anatoly Savchenko, Irina Ivchenko and Dmitry Lukyanov – the key NBU IT officials – pointed out the main directions of the banking IT developments. “Status and Prospects of the banking IT system in Ukraine” by Anatoly Savchenko stressed the need for outsourcing in the implementation of standard ISO27001/ISO27002 and engaging third party consulting to allow for lower risks in this field. Speaking about the Norwegian expertise in the use of advanced data centers, he drew attention to the need for a poised approach in DC outsourcing: “For the time being, we move smoothly. At the first stage, no client data transfers to external suppliers to occur, only of the auxiliary systems. We already have quite a bit of modern data centers at our place, and we are going to move forward on this issue along with the legislation’s advancement.”
In addition, Mr. Savchenko gave a positive feedback on ESB deployment in the banking arena; he praised the use of virtualization technologies (already run by NBU at full speed), approved implementation of e-document management and integration of front office systems. At the same time, the National Bank remains cautious towards cloud computing. “As for now, there are no clouds except for the corporate network”, so Anatoly Savchenko. Dmitry Lukyanov, head of the NBU Information Security Department, briefed the audience on current issues of NBU Key Certification Center’s internals. The keynotes by the NBU officials have caused genuine interest in the forum. The follow-up Q&A session has involved not the regulator only, but also practitioners: BeMobile that delivers high performance DC solutions, and Pentegy, the maker of seek-after front office solutions for banks. In addition, invitees paid much attention to the booth presentations exhibited in the lobby by Intel and the national system integrators.
Alexey Perekatov, Miratech VP, Corporate Marketing, gave a speech about gingering up IT outsourcing based on Miratech experience. Entitled “Outsourcing of IT services for banks. Market Overview”, the keynote by Mr. Perekatov was keeping with the NBU’s new focus on drumming up IT in light of the new laws and regulations. In this way, the main outcome of the forum is the growing mutual understanding and strengthen relations between government officials and Ukrainian business IT community.