Between 3-8 March, 2009 misoft systems participated to the biggest IT trade show in the world, held in Hanover, Germany. The 2009 edition was a partnership with the state of California and enjoyed the presence of governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
This year, misoft systems joined CeBIT for the fourth year in the Romanian pavilion. misoft wanted to present its’ development and consultancy services of Business Solutions, Financial Applications and Industrial Software and keep the connected to the latest technological evolutions in the IT field. misoft systems is active in Romania for five years and managed to rapidly build a vast international experience and to demonstrate the quality of its’ products and services by getting the certifications of Microsoft Certified Partner and Oracle Partner for the CRMWeb product that was presented at CeBIT.
The trade show this year gathered over 4,000 companies from 70 countries and more than 400,000 visitors. Although the number of companies, the diversity of services and the exchange of ideas still make CeBIT the most important IT trade show in the world, this years’ edition registered almost 2,000 companies less than last year. The Romanian pavilion gathered 15 companies this year, as opposed to 30 in 2008.
The drop in participation can be explained by the economic crisis and by the fact that companies are trying to reduce costs, but also by the fact that companies are becoming more skeptical to the idea that international trade shows are an efficient way to identify new business opportunities.
“CeBIT is becoming more and more a B2C (business-to-consumer) trade show and less a B2B (business-to-business) event. I believe this is the main reason why service providers like misoft are starting to see less of a potential for their business development and opportunity to find new potential partners in these trade shows.” (Iulian Iuga, managing director, misoft systems)
The value of trade shows like CeBIT still stands when it comes to offering a space for exchanging information and finding the latest IT innovations, in a field where change happens fast and constantly.
One of the conclusions at the end of the trade show was that Romania has a relevant potential to strengthen its’ position on the IT market in Europe given the diversity of available services, the quality of these services and the competitive price it offers.