Mobile Banking Application for iPhones Implemented in Zagrebacka Bank

Zagrebacka Bank Mobile Banking Service for iPhone Users, Which is Based on Business Solution of Company Asseco SEE Croatia, Approved by Apple iTunes.

Company Asseco SEE Croatia, an expert in the field of mobile banking solutions based on Java and iPhone technologies, and Zagrebacka bank, one of the leading banks in Central and Eastern Europe, announced the launch of fast, secure and easy to use m-zaba mobile banking application for iPhone, which enables access to wide range of financial information and services from iPhone devices. This unique service on Croatian market is approved by Apple iTunes.

By using the mobile banking iPhone application, based on Asseco SEE JiMBa m-banking solution, bank’s clients can use the services already available through m-zaba at any place and any time, and therefore manage their finances and perform various financial transactions, such as checking their account balance and credit cards, executing payment orders, buying and selling currency, trading shares in ZB Invest investment funds, buying GSM credit, etc.

Although the possibility to use m-zaba application on the iPhone has only been available since the end of April, an exceptional amount of client interest has been recorded in only five days. Since m-zaba is also completely compatible for use on the iPad, which is yet to be sold on the Croatian market, we expect that client interest for this solution shall remain strong.

The m-banking solution for iPhone, as well as any other solution for phones which support J2ME platform on which m-zaba is based, is completely safe. It is impossible to access financial information and m-zaba functions without a PIN. The PIN number is known only to the user, and cannot be misused in case of theft or loss of phone. 

“Safety, simplicity and convenience of use in all occasions, regardless of the place and time in which the client is performing a bank transaction are key elements thanks to which m-zaba is extremely well accepted by clients of Zagrebacka bank. Thanks to many years of cooperation with company Asseco SEE Croatia, and their experience in the financial sector, we were sure that developing iPhone applications would also result in excellent service adjusted to needs and habits of our users, which will be completely integrated with the existing service of e-zaba Internet banking, and therefore offer advanced and visually attractive features which will make our clients completely mobile” said Ivo Jelinovic, Director of Management and Channel Development at the Zagrebacka bank for this occasion.

“Mobile banking is the simplest and fastest way of managing finances. Thanks to the popularity and wide use of Java and iPhone technologies on which it is based, Asseco SEE  m-banking application, JiMBa, can also be started on the majority of commonly available mobile phones. This, as well as independence regarding mobile operator, enables fast and secure access to financial services at any time and place”, said Drazen Pehar, President of the Management Board of Asseco SEE Croatia and added: “After introducing mobile banking for users of Java phones, which resulted in excellent acceptance and positive client feedback, Zagrebacka bank expanded the m-zaba service to iPhone users. Zagrebacka bank again recognized the needs of their clients, and Zagrebacka bank is once again the leader on the market, since this is a unique service on the Croatian market“.

Source: Asseco SEE
CATEGORY: FYR, Outsourcing News

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