Auriga, the number-one engineering services provider worldwide (as rated by Datamonitor), urges to focus on mobile platforms in your business applications portfolio.
In 2010, the mobile segment took a whopping 34% share of venture capital (VC) investment. Figures are yet to be released for 2011, but indications are strong for a further increase in this already dizzyingly high figure. Hard-nosed VCs don’t often make rash investments, and when a clear trend in their collective behavior develops, you can be sure that it is on the back of extensive market research. If that data is not convincing, check the well-known predictions about the weight of mobile traffic in the future communications picture—see our previous article on the subject.
With the rapid global proliferation of smartphones and tablets, E-commerce and E-marketing are becoming firmly entrenched as the key drivers for business growth in the second decade of the new millennium. Moreover, longstanding loyalties are gone with the wind as legions of consumers turn to whoever offers the fastest, easiest, and most innovative mobile applications for this new paradigm.
To put it simply, NOW is the time to establish a leading position in mobile commerce for your market area. You can be sure that as you read this article, the most successful businesses in the world are devising entry barriers to protect their positions and secure future market share. As with previous game-changing innovations, a dollar spent on market position in the early stages is worth hundreds spent after the dust settles.
Choosing the right partner for the task is as important as understanding the urgency of the challenge. Auriga has the combination of mobile development expertise and non-technology features required to make any software outsourcing project a success—a results-oriented and communications-intensive approach, an engineering-minded talent pool, and business and technical flexibility. We have been providing services for technology companies for over 21 years, and we are well aware of the ingredients needed for success.
For your product, Auriga offers support for additional mobile platforms—whether you already have some covered and need to embrace new platforms or are starting your first initiative to enter the mobile world. We have expertise in all major mobile/smartphone/tablet platforms, with experience in everything from maps and geo-positioning to multimedia streaming and cloud storage support, from shining UI to system internals and protocols support. We have developed e-mail clients and mobile videoconferencing solutions as well as smartphone banking clients and mobile applications for auto dealerships, mobile sales assistants, and taxi call apps – including the mobile part itself and all integration with network services (in some cases, including the network services themselves).
In 2009, based on a technology trend analysis, we launched Mobile as a separate core business line. And due to the factors described at the beginning of this article, the mobile area, an established practice at Auriga, is now one of the most rapidly growing—it has shown 2X year-on-year growth, and each year, we take on exciting new clients, like Yandex or Chrysler, who need mobile services.