Moldova ranks the 92nd in the IT world rating. The World Economic Forum carries out traditionally the information technology development rating in various countries.
The Global Information Technology Report 2006-2007 takes into consideration the data on 122 countries. Not only market development, but also IT-market development and its influence and penetration into various spheres (for example, in education sphere), and the success of the authorities’ policy, aimed at intensifying the information technology application were taken into consideration.
During the last year there were many changes: for example, the USA ranked first and Sweden – eighth. Now the top ten includes: Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Singapore, Finland, Switzerland, the USA, Island, Great Britain and Norway.
Germany took the 16th place, Israeli – 18th, France – 23rd, the United Arab Emirates – 29th, Italy – 38th, India – 44th, Turkey – 52nd, Poland – 58th, China – 59th.
Estonia demonstrated the best results among the former Soviet republics. It ranks 20th, it is followed by Lithuania – 39th, Latvia – 42nd, Russia – 70th, Azerbaijan – 71st, Kazakhstan – 73rd, Ukraine – 75th, Armenia – 96th, Kyrgyzstan – 105th.
The last three places were occupied by Chad (122nd), Burundi and Angola. Information technologies develop most slowly in Africa.