Moldova to host a large-scale event in September, 2010

Alexander Oleinic, Minister of Information Technologies and Communication, presided over the working meeting on organization and holding the 16th meeting of the Coordinating Council of CIS member-states on Informatization under the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Informatization (RCC) on September 28, 2010.

“This event plays a crucial role for the Republic of Moldova and has to be carried out at the highest level. It will bring together CSI and European delegations, RCC members and other international organizations in this field, conducted by ministers and chiefs of departments. Along with the possibility to promote our image, we will also have possibility to discuss touching issues, attract our partners from these countries to the process of implementation Moldovan ICT projects, propose solutions for settling problems in the field of economics, communication and informatization, as well as implementation of new ICT projects and e-government system”, Alexander Oleinic said.

Within the meeting the working group and action plan on organization of this event were approved. It was also decided that meetings of the working group will be held at least once a week.

The Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communication was created by the Communication Administration on December, 1991 in Moscow in order to realize the cooperation between new independent states in the field of communication and postal services on the principles of voluntariness, sovereignty and mutual respect.


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