Vice President of N-iX has participated in talk show “Domino” on December 11th in Lviv.
The talk show “Domino” from December 11th 2010 was held on a topic “Real problems of virtual world”. There were three guests at studio: Dmitry Kosaryev – Vice President at N-iX LLC, Anatoliy Melnyk – doctor of engineering sciences, professor, head of computer department at National University “Lviv Polytechnics”, and Oleksiy Skrypnyk – director general at Eleks Software.
Guests at “Domino” studio have answered questions regarding IT industry, its development in Ukraine, current position of Ukrainian companies, especially of Lviv ones, industry’ needs and main problem issues were touched upon as well.
Dmitry Kosaryev has observed that in today’s Lviv “education is a locomotive, an impulse towards business, and business becomes a locomotive which hauls an education”. One more conclusion regarding IT business prospects was maid – with the lapse of time Ukrainian IT industry will move from outsourcing services providing towards product development.