LVIV, Ukraine – April 23, 2010 – Vice President of N-iX, Ukrainian IT outsourcing provider of software solutions and engineering services, has conducted lecture at the Ivan Franko University of Lviv on April 21.
First lecture supported by Lviv IT-BPO Cluster has taken place at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on April 21, 2010. Speaker, Dmitry Kosaryev, the Vice President of N-iX, software development company, introduced material about the leading project management framework Scrum to students’ audience.
Around fifty students and some teachers gathered in the lecture hall to participate in this event. Dmitry presented theoretical information as well as helpful tips & tricks on everyday usage of Scrum in management of software development projects. Speaker succeeded to hold an attention of audience what was a kind of predictable because of usability of the topic. Students were very curious about details and at the end of the lecture rained lots of interesting and controversial questions.
From the very beginning the University administration was very pleased with the idea of conducting such events for students, because it would be really useful for them to get to know all tips concerning their work issues now.
About the purpose of such events pointed out Dmitry Kosaryev as a co-founder of Lviv IT-BPO Cluster: “The main point of conducting such lectures is to provide students specialized in IT fields with knowledge they could apply in their future everyday work. Lviv IT-BPO Cluster is striving to develop Lviv as an emerged IT destination and that is why we are trying to involve young blood in this process”.
Lviv IT-BPO Cluster is planning to carry out a number of such events in the nearest future in order to educate, engage and involve students into IT field development in Lviv.
About N-iX
N-iX (http://www.n-ix.com) is Ukrainian IT outsourcing provider of software solutions and engineering services since 2002. N-iX supplies its customers with cost effective IT assistance of a high quality. Company deals with medium to large-scale software vendors and is competent to provide them with big (30 to 50 people), middle size (10 to 30 people) as well as small units (3 to 10 people). N-iX has its headquarter located in Lviv, Ukraine and representative offices in Sweden and Germany.