You may have met us on March 6th and 7th, 2008 in our booth at the National Career Days in the Incheba Exhibition Center. Our participation at this event again fully satisfied our expectations.
The National Career Days is an event with a thirteen year tradition, at which the leading Slovak companies present themselves as potential employers to the college students / graduates. Again, following a positive experience, we also decided to take an advantage of this opportunity, to give the individual applicants an opportunity to meet in person with representatives of our company, talk to them about their expectations and our requirements, job descriptions and the advantages of working for our company. And just one of the advantages or maybe “non-financial benefit” we have decided to present also directly at the exhibition environment.
At our booth anybody from participants of the employment fair might experience a free massage. This service belongs to the most favorable working benefits and it is used by nearly all of our employees on a regular basis. As you can see in our photos, our masseur has plenty of “work”, even during the Career Days. Maybe this was also the reason why our company, based on the evaluation of the professional jury, has been awarded an excellent second position in the competition for „The Best of Employment Offer“.
In a general, many young people in deed have stopped by our booth during these two days Those, who met our requirements, could make a step toward their career with us by handing in their CV.