Nearshore SW development for BNS

Pilsen based company AIMTEC Outsourcing, a leading supplier of IT services in European countries, is developing and helping to improve information system BNS OnRoad for a German software company BNS GmbH. Already in the pilot phase of the project, Aimtec proved its position not just as a successful programming company, but also in its role of an experienced analyst and application designer.

Logistics and a Transport Management System solution

The Dusseldorf based German company BNS GmbH has been on the market for over 14 years. During its existence the company has gained a stable position in the area of development and sale of a logistics information system called BNS OnRoad, designed for haulers and freight forwarders. The Transport Management System (TMS) manages and optimalises business processes, including price calculations and purchase orders, and supports CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Among the more than 250 international logistics company clients are such names as for example Schenker, Grieshaber Logistik or Seifert Logistics.

Aimtec as a competent partner

BNS corporation sought a suitable partner for the expansion and development of Transport Management System‘s new version, based on a Microsoft .Net platform. The chosen liason partner was AIMTEC Outsourcing, notable for their references, elaborate agile project management methodology and a team with valuable client software development experience. One of the considerations for choosing Aimtec was also its near geographical proximity and the mental similarity between both companies. Aimtec will help BNS to migrate from the Visual Basic platform, used for the BNS OnRoad system since 1995, to platform .Net. The new platform will enable the development of new functionalities, modules and better enhancement options including integration into other corporate systems. Another benefit will be the modern user interface design.

The pilot project commenced in June 2009 with the aim to set up mutual project cooperation conditions and communication between the partners. Both sides found this approach very positive, especially as Aimtec had at this stage already helped BNS define the project, which then fully commenced in August. Analysis of a consecutive system OnConnect for the conversion of electronic messages is planned for later phases, with the aim to evaluate and propose future system enhancements.

Source: AIMTEC

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