Nestlé Hungary and Connect East Incubator have announced the winners of the HackYourCompany innovation event, who will join a startup mentoring program that is aimed at boosting international companiesʼ absorption of innovative ideas, according to a press release sent to the Budapest Business Journal.
Organizers of the event believe that companies are more and more open to implementing the ideas of innovative youngsters and startups, but recognize that such cooperation needs an open-minded approach and trust from both sides. Organizers expect the event to help boost this process.
Winners at the recent event will have the chance to participate in the implementation of the mentoring program of Nestlé, with the support of professionals from Barta Consulting and the Connect East Incubator. Organizers expect the program to help the winners get their ideas adopted by companies.
“In my opinion, the business value in this cooperation lies in creating opportunities for connecting innovation and talent management, while mixing company knowledge with start-up thinking and the creative approach,” said Nestlé HR leader Barbara Verő.