eLearning software development is one of the main expertise areas at Belitsoft. And now we can offer web learning software with high communication and effectiveness level using the most current achievement in collaboration tools design. Now you can arrange online real time learning with Microsoft Lync Server 2010. Distance learning has the same effect as usual full-day learning, and even offers higher level of engagement into the learning process.
In our previous posts it was announced that we have already done one installation of Microsoft Lync Server 2010 and SharePoint-based learning management system, developed by us, at one of the Belarusian universities. And they already use it in their learning process. This is the beginning of new age in distance learning.
With Lync Server 2010 e-Learning has become much simpler because all the participants of the process can visit any event from anywhere, all they need is Internet connection, computer, handset or speakers with microphone. Now it is possible to schedule lectures, seminars, auditions, exams, whatever, and carry out them in real-time like web conferences. Remote participation for both tutor and learners is possible. Effectiveness of such learning events is the same as of usual lectures or exams held in lecture room. This is very important since now all possible shortcomings of distance learning are removed. Lync Server offers higher engagement level since all conference participants share video, audio, they can exchange different files during the conference.
What you may get with Microsoft Lync Server 2010 in general? It can be used in any sphere: education, business, enterprise management, healthcare, finance, etc. The main features of the Microsoft Lync Server 2010 are as follows:
So if you want to enhance collaboration and engagement level in learning or working, Microsoft Lync Server 2010 may be your choice.
We as SharePoint developers with big experience of different software creation find Microsoft SharePoint platform to be a very effective collaboration solution, and appearance of Microsoft Lync Server 2010 enables us to offer even more effective software to our clients who needs online communication with high engagement level.