On November 1, 2011 IBA launched its new proprietary software products intended for remote work with the electronic document management (EDM) system Chancellor:
The new IBA software products enable the users to work with all types of documents regardless of their location (on a business trip, at a meeting, on the way). The products have a user -friendly interface and are easy-to-use.
Mobile Chancellor
The application allows employees for working online with the Chancellor EDM system via mobile using web interface through a popular browser including Internet Explorer, Safari, or Firefox.
A flexible system of role distribution provides different access levels to the documents depending on professional duties.
The application enables users to view, approve and sign documents, assign responsibilities and deadlines, introduce text, graphic, and audio resolutions, and add comments using virtual keyboard or beam pen. Employees are able to work online directly in the Chancellor’s applications using mobile web interface.
iBoss Chancellor
The software product is intended for executives who wish to work with documents in a standalone/offline mode using their mobiles with subsequent document synchronization in the Chancellor EDM system. Apple iPad or Apple iPad2 mobile devices may be used for that kind of work.
The software enables users to view the documents, make decisions on further actions, introduce resolutions, make visual and audio comments, and search documents.
Using the software, executives are able to work with relevant information outside the office and take management decisions on the fly. As a key contributor to the document workflow process, the executive will significantly increase his/her work efficiency.
Igor Petrik, Head of the IBA Electronic Document Management Department, comments:
”The modern pace of life often requires from managers to be in several places simultaneously and quickly make balanced management decisions. It is necessary to be present in the office to process incoming documents and solve problems using standard methods, which is not always possible as managers often leave for business trips, meetings, and negotiations. Our products will help them to manage their companies using every free minute, quickly receive and process the necessary information, regardless of their location, thereby increasing the efficiency of their work, and the work of the whole company. “