S&T upgraded the local SAP application of the HeidelbergCement Group in Romania and linked it with the central system of the holding company. The partnership already began with SAP system maintenance ten years ago.
HeidelbergCement is the global market leader in aggregates and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of building materials. The company employs 53,000 people in more than 40 countries.
In Romania, HeidelbergCement is one of the biggest German investors and manages its activities through its subsidiaries Carpatcement Holding SA, Carpat Beton and Carpat Agregate.
For nearly a decade, S&T has provided Carpatcement with SAP system maintenance. As a result of this cooperation, S&T won the project for the implementation of a new SAP solution. The Romanian companies of the HeidelbergCement Group are using an SAP resource management system implemented almost 12 years ago.
To comply with international standards, HeidelbergCement united all local SAP systems by implementing an updated version of SAP and reporting into a central tool. The optimization of business processes based on the complete tracking of transportation and distribution activities. The transparency of financial information was substantially improved.
The project was rolled out in five countries within the HeidelbergCement Group: Romaine, Great Britain, Russia, Ukraine and in the Czech Republic. At the local site in Romania, SAP consultants from S&T Romania were involved in the project and worked closely with the experts from HeidelbergCement.
“Our implementation partner proved again that we made the right choice. Based on the experience and availability of the S&T team, we have successfully completed a project with significant impact on the business integration and being outstanding among local companies within the HeidelbergCement Group,” said Mihai Rohan, President and CEO of Carpatcement Holding.
A unified system ensures greater transparency of all activities carried out within the company. Moreover, the new system enables the integration of financial information and the standardization of business processes at one level, which comprises reliable support for implementing new business strategies. The project was completed in only six months.