A1QA Company has recently completed a project of a payment system testing for a leading Internet services provider in the German market. The Customer wanted to make sure their card transaction payment system was 100% stable, secure and fast, so they contracted A1QA to do this job.
The project’s duration was critical for the customer, as it was a part of a a large business investment and involved multiple stakeholders, including German investors, bank consultants, software developers and independent software quality assurance company A1QA. And in order to operate effectively, they had to stick to the business schedule very strictly.
The online payment system is a web-based Java application. When the application was developed, it only had the payment part without user interface which finally had to be included into the end-user GUI.
A1QA experts designed and completed the following tasks: developed test scenarios, tested the new functionality for the most popular operational systems and browsers, performed tests in parallel with the system’s development process, manual and automated functional tests, fulfilled GUI testing, as well as performance and stress testing, projects documentation testing.
The customers appreciated A1QA efforts. They were impressed with the way testing process was adjusted to their business processes. What was extremely important for the customer, A1QA managed to adhere to the deadlines and developed convenient cooperation strategy with advanced reporting system.