On the 29th of June 2011, the bid placed by a consortium of companies, the leader of which is Comarch SA, has won open an tender. Marshal’s Office Silesia Lower Voivodeship put a project out for bid. The tender regarding software delivery for Silesia Lower Education Platform.
The value of the bid amounts to PLN 4.8 million. The project is cofinanced by the European Union from the Regional Operational Programme of Lower Silesia Voivodeship for the years 2007-2013.
The project provids an e-learning platform for 100,000 users and system that registers attendance and track grade for 2,300 schools in the region. The consortium has approximately 2 months to finish the project after award contract is signed.
The main purpose of the project is to support schools on their way to the next stage of information technology development in the classroom. Education Platform – Fronter will help to teach and learn more effectively. The platform offers new communication channels to students, teachers and parents. Students will be able to use blogs, chat and forums to share resources and lesson ideas with colleagues. Parents will have instant access to ther children’s results.
Schools will able to link with other schools through the platform and develop teaching methods. New technology solutions will help teachers and students widen their knowledge.