“In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.” — Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut
In today’s fast world, an education needs to be more than just book study. Career prospects need to hit the ground running and be well acclimatized to their chosen career path. We are all beginners when we enter the world of business, when we start thinking which career path to take. An internship can be only a true learning experience.
We have very positive experience with our interns and internship program here in Nextsense. Gaining experience is very important part before starting the exact job for which the student has chosen. We are aware that theory and practice are two different things and when we finish college as undergraduates we are not completely ready to enter the world called job.
Nextsense has well developed scheme and organized procedures for implementing the internship program. We have signed memos for collaborations with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies – FEIT, the Business Academy Smilevski (BAS Academy), and also through MASIT, the ICT Chamber of Macedonia where we are member.
This collaboration with these institutions both private and state has contributed in the development of both Nextsense and the students. The success of the internship programs is due to the fact that Nextsense treats its interns as its employees- starting with the submission of CV, the interview, the first day of the internship… Each student has been given a mentor from the department where the internship is being performed. All Nextsense mentors have passed the mentor training.
Our successful internship program consists of the following important items:
We have had around 25 interns who have stayed between one to six months. The experience is different but mostly positive. So far we have employed 9 interns.
An internship can only be a true learning experience if constructive feedback is provided. An effective evaluation will focus on the interns’ learning objectives that were identified at the start of the internship. Our mentors always take time to evaluate both a students’ positive accomplishments and weaknesses. That is one important part of this program.
I strongly believe that an internship should be mandatory in every degree plan. Not only do student interns lend a helping hand in our day to day business activities, but they contribute their ideas and give a fresh vantage point to our business. The internship not only allows you to work hard and gain experience, but it also allows the employer to experience how hard of a worker you are.
“Being offered the job after the internship program for me was in a way verification of the success of the program and acknowledging my dedication. It was accomplishment of my first goal and I expect to learn more and to improve my working skills and ambitions. I was part of Nextsense Internship program for 3 months.
I feel the privilege to be professionally engaged in a very complex project which is completely new for our country, both from technological as well as organizational aspect. I am very much satisfied with the program, the communication with the mentor, the colleagues. The organizational structure and the frequency of the work flow were the major preconditions for the experiences I am gaining. It is very healthy environment to work in.” Iva Lozanovska, Nextsense intern, now employed with the company.
“I was very well accepted from the very start of my internship program here in Nextsense. I was an intern for 3 months, and I am proud to say that now I am Nextsense employee. My mentor was always there available to answer all my questions and to lead me through all the activities. The most important thing I have learned here was my job which helped stay and be employed. The internship program was sort of test of how it is like to be part of a company, part of a team. My plan is to use and improve what I have learned so far during my internship.” Sofija Mileva, Nextsense intern, now employed with the company.