Are objections against offshoring well-reasoned?

Some business owners tend to see offshore outsourcing in a negative light. The greatest sin in offshoring is that setting up partnership overseas limits job possibilities for people with low-skilled professions in developed countries.

Ultimately, offshore outsourcing is an inevitable process. In years to come this trend will accelerate. It is about the way things evolve on a global scope. One cannot do much about it.

Suppose, that you have decided to avoid outsourcing in your business. What will follow?

  1. No doubt, that your rivals can achieve better results within the same budget; 
  2. You loose access to a large pool of talent, and to the experts who have gained valuable experience, completing similar projects.

One can try to push on governance to change legislation, in order to make it more complicated for companies to set up a joint venture with offshore service provider. Still, in many cases such collaboration is obscured, and it is pretty hard to control it on a governance level.

I suggest everyone to see offshore outsourcing not as an enemy, not like something that causes trouble; but expect it to bring pure benefits. In the case of low-qualified workers it is an exciting opportunity for self-improvement. People who live in developed countries have also more possibilities for education, and without question they are free to focus their talent to choose more suited profession. There was a time, when many voices were against automation – people stated, that it causes unemployment. Those debates did not reduce the automation anyway. And now – who would question that automated processes are more than wide-spread?

Our world is evolving, and as communication technologies are progressing, offshore outsourcing is simplified and becomes indeed a common experience. This is not a greed-caused hiring of cheap labour. This is an international collaboration. It provides experience exchange, it makes possible to apply the talent where it is most needed.

Let us cooperate and not fight. If there are some global processes, that one can do nothing with – let us allow them to be, and see them as something that we can put to good use – to make ourselves better and achieve more.

Instead of fighting offshore outsourcing, you can open yourself to enormous possibilities it gives – improve your business and drive innovation to it. Select the most professional service provider; build balanced, transparent relationships; be open for honest dialogue, give your feedback and help your partner do the best for you – through better understanding your needs and priorities.

Source: PR-inside

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