On 15 of December in the BMS Soft training centre “what is OLAP” workshop was held. This workshop is the issue of the day as there is real necessity in the information processing technologies, including dynamic multiplex analysis, receiving and publication of the reports and documents ( as exactly the OLAP is – “On Line Analytical Processing”).
The solutions based on the OLAP have the high business value for the managers. In particular on the base of OLAP data warehouses can be built the following decisions with the applied value for the chiefs:
To improve the company analytics job process the means to extract data (data mining) and predicting can be built. These means enlarge the classics OLAP system.
The workshop goal was to depict the OLAP business value, technical and applied aspects. The workshop program included the main advantages of the OLAP usage and the OLAP based solutions, OLAP architecture, types and implementations, as well as the building principles, data sources integrationб data warehouse arrangement, value of the OLAP implementation for the analytics and top managers.
The leading specialists of the BMS Soft made the presentations: Rachkov Eugeniy, Chief DBA, reported the technical sides of the issue, Mykhailo Stepaniuk, Project Manager, told about the technology business value.
As the examples of the OLAP technology effectiveness the workshop participants were presented the successfully implemented BMS soft projects on the OLAP base, as the “The wages arrears analysis” for the Ministry of Labor and social Policy of Ukraine, “BMS Soft Contact Centre” the citizens calls’ analysis.
It is worth mentioning the workshop productive atmosphere that allowed arranging active communication of the speakers and the participants. Summing up of the participants questionnaire survey showed that the workshop was considered as usuful and interesting by the participants.