The representatives of banks and IT companies came together on November,16-17 2011 at the Palace of the Republic (Minsk) to speak and discuss the efficiency of IT at financial institutions, to share experiences with colleagues, and discuss cooperation prospects. The forum began with the plenary session, during which respected banking and IT professional gave their reports.
Mr. Alexander Mukovozchik – CEO of the Innovation Association “ST Group” shared his opinion about the prospects of the industry and cooperation with banks in the conditions of shrinking IT-budgets. He noticed that the next year will be bring new technologies and product line into «SТ Group».
“The changes also affect both devices, and technologies which we use. Belarus is always slightly behind the IT leaders regarding the level of informatization, therefore it is necessary to predict and follow the trends to keep up with the whole world.”
Edward Serdyukov, head of custom s/w development department at “Belsoft-Borlas Group” made a report “The analytical system for the banking on the Oracle BI EE platform within the emerging range products offered by “ST Group” at the section session devoted to strategic and operational management of the bank. This analytical system displays information in a structured way, according to pre-configured representations which contribute to the operational management and rapid decision-making in banks.
The Flagship event BankIT Forum delivers high quality discussion of the issues that have been shaping the future of IT banking industry in Belarus and CIS since 2004.The company “Belsoft-Borlas Group” participated in a forum along with two other companies of Innovation Association “ST Group” – “System Technology” and “Marco”.