No relief has been seen in the economy over the past year. However, the market players saw enough signs of distress to seek new ways to bettering the quality of delivered services and products, to revise existing models of cooperation. Such indirect evidence as intensification of industry press and significant increase in the number of topical exhibitions shows that the market has entered a stage when it matters to the parties to gather at a round table and speak out urgent questions. Meetings like these can be shaped differently, yet they have one thing in common: the urge to make business more efficient and technology advanced and affordable. After all, if the industry wants to gain momentum technologically, there must be ground, which would serve this momentum particularly well.
Surprisingly well organized and attended, the Conference “Business Security nowadays”, held in Kiev, March 2, has confirmed this thought once again. Co-hosted by Networks & Telecommunications, BAKOTECH, Aladdin and MUK, it gave a great opportunity for those who are professionally involved into the acquisition, organization and use of data sources to learn firsthand about how to evaluate the effectiveness of information security services (report by Yuri Gudz, Ernst & Young, Senior Consultant, Department of IT services and IT risks), how to deal with data leaks by means of DeviceLock (report by Vladislav Slasten, DeviceLock Ukraine, Business Development Manager), how to contribute to the security of modern networks by implementing solutions and services provided by FORTINET (report by Andrei Rotach, MUK, Project Manager).
Speaking about the problems of data security, which worsened with the advent of the crisis (data leakage through insiders increased worldwide by 30 percent, for Ukraine and CIS countries this figure reached 45 percent), it is mandatory to say that the banking industry, for example, suffers most from these problems. Given this, a unified data security policy across domestic financial institutions is the cornerstone the entire mechanism of their governance is based upon; and it is no coincidence that NBU took up the matter seriously deciding to build a well tempered financial system on the recommendations of ISO27001. Another good hand here would be having solutions provided by FORTINET (some banks have already got them), McAfee’s products (for the most part the company is known in Ukraine as antivirus vendor, in fact, selling antivirus software generates only 20 percent of its income) and software solutions, of which attendees were told by Igor Gonebny, Aladdin Software Security RD, Manager in charge of work with technology partners.
After having attended the event Alexey Perekatov, Miratech Vice President, Corporate Marketing, said that “traditionally, spring is a time for such events to be convened. Take CEBIT in Hanover, it is being held in early spring, and the Conference on DPC also concluded recently. We always involuntarily compare such events, which, even if their content varies, are very similar in style and meaning. And what is striking is the relevance of those issues, including security, which are being discussed at all conferences, as well as the diversity of solutions, both traditional and innovative, offered by the IT industry to address these issues.”