New Online Community Helps Business Analysts Share Best Practices While Accelerating Process Development

Software AG, a global leader in business infrastructure software, today unveiled the Software AG Business Community, a collaborative, online resource for business and IT professionals who are leading their organization’s business process management (BPM) and continuous process improvement (CPI) programs. It is designed to help practitioners implement process improvement initiatives faster and more successfully, while also strengthening critical proficiencies.

Available resources include Process Frameworks and other development tools, best practice guides covering a number of industries and process-specific topics, and collaborative feature such as moderated discussion forums from the authors of BPM Basics for Dummies. The Software AG Business Community is being supported by key partners, including Acando, Logimethods, NewLink Group and Satyam, and can be found at

“Historically, most organizations managed their IT and business requirements as distinct silos.  However, today’s process leader needs to maintain a firm footing in both disciplines.  Recognizing the strategic importance of these efforts, we’re launching a new business community to help foster best practices and skill sharing across this profession,” said Ivo Totev, Chief Marketing Officer, Software AG.  “As a global leader in SOA and BPM, Software AG has much to contribute in terms tools and knowledge.  However, we also benefit from the insight of other practitioners as they’re often the greatest source of actionable advice.  As a result, we’ve embraced a community model as a mean for facilitating peer-to-peer knowledge sharing.”

Source: Software AG

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