For the second year in a row ORAK Engineering was awarded the prize for Innovative Enterprise, presented today by the prime minister of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov during the official ceremony of the opening of the Sixth national innovative forum held in the Sheraton hotel in Sofia. Orak Engineering entered the contest with two of its solutions – both part of the newly created innovative software business platform ORAK R6.
Orak R6 software platform technology is aiming to the global world of online services and online payments, enabling the small and medium sized businesses worldwide to be competitive and to have access to the global markets. The platform connects in an innovative way the business processes of an enterprise with social networks, online payments and global services. “Our technology has significantly changed the way businesses find and retain their customers – it is near them, where they feel best – on the Internet and social networks,” said Orak Engineering Executive Director Georgi Halachev. “We perceive this award as a recognition for the talent and potential of the Bulgarian IT business and the role it has as a priority sector for development of the country’s economy,“ added Halachev.
On the national presentation of ORAK R6 at the International Technical Fair Plovdiv 2009 was honored with two gold medals. The prestigious Innovative Enterprise of the Year was handed a day before the planned promotion of the global software platform to launch at the largest global information technology exhibition CEBIT Hannover-2010 – (02 March, 2010)
For the National Innovation Forum:
The National Innovation Forum is organized for the sixth time by the “Applied Research and Communications”, Enterprise Europe Network – Bulgaria, The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism and the World Bank Mission in Bulgaria. Last year, the first prize in the category of small company (with up to 50 people) was won again by Orak Engineering.