New VoIP –> Outlook Integration Capabilities

Recently, SaM Solutions started cooperating with the Axeos software development company that specializes in building reliable VoIP solutions and VoIP-related value-added services for its customers. All Axeos platforms are built upon their robust operating system and can be tuned to specific branch requirements to allow full service integration. After the discussion of a large integration project for one of the transnational corporations in the Netherlands the two companies decided to combine their efforts in handling a challenging new project.

The project concerns integration of the proprietary VoIP system developed by the customer into a central repository of a single Microsoft Office Outlook inbox implementing specific business requirements and providing extra functionality. The expanded software integration features need high level support services for the Microsoft Outlook and a number of other office applications delivered by main suppliers. The customer’s unique requirements also include support of various Windows versions such as HP, Server, Vista, etc.

It is expected that SaM Solutions team will considerably improve and do a large-scale rollout of the VoIP system for the customer and probably deliver extensive testing and QA services to the implemented software solution.

Source: SaM Solutions

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