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An increasing number of organisations have spent the last year cutting costs and the result has been a sharp reduction in growth in ITO throughout industry as a whole.

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Softengi as all software vendors in Ukraine are today closely following all the developments around new Tax Code of Ukraine.

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From Belarus to Infinity — And Beyond

The September 2010 issue of Outsource Magazine published an interview with Sergei Levteev, President of IBA Group.

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With the rapid developments in technology and businesses looking for alternatives to cut costs and increase productivity, outsourcing software development has definitely become one of the main strategic options that companies are looking to implement.

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There are several levels of compliance in the BPO unit. There are those that deal with the call center services, there are the ones that deal with the other employees and also the one that revolves around their comfort levels with the policies of the call center.

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IT Sourcing Europe highlights the three key lessons learned from successes and failures of the global IT Outsourcing relationships from recession till present days.

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The world of outsourcing is evolving as the industry matures, and there are currently some clear directions that companies wish to pursue when it comes to Business Process Outsourcing (BPO).

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Business process outsourcing, popularly known as BPO, is an outsourcing service/solution provider to the third-party concerning the operations and responsibilities for specific business functions.

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You may be thinking “Hey, I own a small business, isn’t offshore outsourcing for the fortune 500 companies?”

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Industry media, especially over the past two years, often points out that a significantly high number of outsourcing arrangements do not deliver the promised cost savings due to “hidden” costs associated with managing the relationship.

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