Outsourcing Business Analysis – 4 Tips To Be Successful

Offshore outsourcing is often implied on the non-core activities of business while the core processes are kept in-house. However, in the wake of the grim economic environment companies and organizations are increasingly looking forward to outsource their core business functions as well.

And of the popular tasks that is being outsourced is Business Analysis. Outsourcing business analysis would not only reduce the developmental costs but also maintain high quality of services. In fact companies achieve greater efficiency by shifting the business analysis tasks to offshore service providers.

Here are 4 tips that will ensure that your business analysis tasks are successfully relocated and they provide optimal results as well.

Business analysis should only be delegated to a team who has worked with your company for a considerable period of time and has a sound understanding of your business processes. Even if you outsource the tasks to a new vendor, wait till they have developed a keen understanding and have a critical degree of knowledge about your company. Give them time to acquire the institutional memory and help them with the same by familiarizing them with your work concepts.

Assign a Local Outsourcing Manager

having a local outsourcing manager is the key to successful outsourcing relationships. This is because the outsourcing manager acts as a point of connection between the outsourcing team and your in-house staff. This avoids any confusion as there is a single point person that acts as a channel of communication. Moreover, this person can perform any tasks that needs to be completed at your office and coordinate with the outsourcing team. This person may arrange for any discussions with senior personnel, arrange for meetings coordinate with high level officials and deliver the information required by the offshore team.

It would not be economical for the offshore team to travel to the clients country regularly. So the outsourcing manager would manage the show from here

Supply the Offshore Team with Onshore Details

While partnering with an offshore team for business analysis, make sure you supply them with critical business details. Though there may be issues and fears concerning the privacy and security of data, this can be taken care if you select a professional service provider. An established outsourcing company would have strict security policies to protect client data. . It is important to give your offshore team all the business details so that they can conduct effective analysis of the same and provide you with quality results.

Preform Regular Reviews

Reviews and feedbacks are one of the best methods to predict what is about to come. Before the results of the business analysis is out you can still have certain figures to back upon. This may hjust be further strengthened by the results of business analysis. This will further enable you to channelize the findings of the business analysis in the right direction.

These 4 tips will help you achieve high standards for outsourcing your business analysis tasks to an offshore service provider. With due diligence and carefulness, you can make sure your outsourcing project is a success.


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