Outsourcing For Real People – An Answering Service

When you think about outsourcing, you probably think of some manufacturing company taking all of their good jobs overseas.  However, there are many different kinds of outsourcing.  While there is certainly the outsourcing that is done by big manufacturing firms, there is also outsourcing available for real people like you.

One of the more useful bits of individualized outsourcing is an answering service.  Essentially, having a service like this means that you never have to answer the phone again if you choose not to do so.  You can pay a third party agency to be available around the clock and answer the phone for you.

This kind of answering service can be a great way for a freelancer or small business to manage their client calls.  When work needs to be done, the phone ringing off the hook is a terrible distraction and interruption.  Yet to continue making money, the phone needs to be answered promptly and cheerfully every time.  It’s just not always humanly possible for a multi-tasker to get that done.

On the other hand, for the answering service, picking up the phone with a smile isn’t an interruption of their job.  It is their job, and they take pride in doing it well.  Contrast that with the “What now?” that flashes through your mind when the phone rings for the 85th time that day, and you will begin to see how a phone service like this can be an indispensable resource.

Even better, you can pick up your messages from the answering agency at your convenience, and in the manner you choose.  If you want to get your messages twice a day, that’s fine.  If you want to receive them transcribed as an email as soon as they are received, that is possible as well.

The other bonus of this outsourcing trend for real people is that it is very affordable.  Hiring an answering service to manage your calls costs a fraction of what it would cost to get a physical secretary or receptionist to do the job.  In some cases it is less expensive than the cost of a second phone line and phone for your office.

All in all, this kind of service is a truly useful bit of outsourcing that is a departure from the stereotypical outsourcing you may be used to seeing in the workplace.  It can help you get your work done and keep your clients happy.  And with the low price points, there is no reason for real people like you not to explore this opportunity today.


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