The increasing globalization of business coupled with rapidly evolving technologies such as virtualized server, storage and desktops are changing the IT landscape and the way that IT services are delivered.
For many organisations to stay current and competitive, IT management must be seen more than ever as integral to the business process and contribute higher levels of efficiency, innovation and shorter cycle times in delivering new and improved business applications. With the pressure on capital budgets the ability to outsource key elements of IT becomes a very realistic option for an increasing number of organisations around the globe either in its entirety or key aspects, such as data protection or specific application solutions.
The Outsourcing, Hosting and Co-location conference, delivered in association with the Datacentre Alliance and IT Europa, sets out to examine the options and introduce the solution providers who can assist any size of organisation in making those decisions.
Some of the key issues that will be addressed throughout the summit are:
· How to measure and compare in-house costs vs colocation and hosting
· How to interpret and understand the meaning of tier ratings and which is most appropriate for my business
· What standards and accreditations to look for and which apply to outsourced data centres
· How do I tell which data centres will be most cost effective over the long term
· What scalability do I need for future growth
· How important is geographic location
· What added services and expertise should I look for in an outsourced hosting partner