Outsourcing Industry Overview for Q3

As 2009 Q3 is almost over it is a good time announce our regular quarterly results of the outsourcing market overview.

The first good signs of economy getting better appeared. The banks are started to make profits again and multinationals stopped reporting losses. However, the side effect of that is that more and more SME’s have been consistently reporting disturbed performance and especially partial reduction of client base.

However, the majority of outsourcing service providers in all parts of the worlds managed to stay afloat and some even increased their customer base. This was because lots of businesses who did not consider outsourcing as a viable option before, now turned to it readily as a great means to save budgets.

Nevertheless, the overall turnover of the outsourcing companies remained on the same level, mainly being balanced by customers gone, customers added. Even though so companies reported huge turnover increases, the operational costs rose because of additional challenges the companies had to overcome as well as a small period of idle time that also turned out to be the case in the beginning of Q3. This was mainly attributed to the holiday season.

Strangely enough, lots of companies reported increased interest to .NET and Java specialists, while PHP, Delphi and Cobol have significantly reduced in demand in Q3.

Overall, the economy is recovering and this will definitely help outsourcing market gain pace as well.


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